state-white Location (2) department Study Level (13)

Total Results (814)


Jawahar Bhawan Trust Scholarship

India map

Brief of the scholarship

These Scholarships are of the value of Rs.1000/-p.m. awarded to 10 students for a period of one year (covering two semesters) and may be renewed for subsequent semester(s) subject to the condition that the student maintains CGPA of 5.5 at the end of third semester of MA/M.Sc. and fifth semester in case of MCA.

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Prof. Nurul Hasan Scholarship

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Two Scholarships of Rs.1500/- p.m. each are awarded for a period of one year to students of second year M.A./M.Sc./MCA students with the highest CGPA at the end of the first year

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Tendulkar Scholarship

India map

Brief of the scholarship

This Scholarship of Rs.400/- p.m. is awarded for a period of two years to 2 students of various Centres of School of Social Sciences by rotation.

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Prof. Ramesha Rao Scholarship and Travel Grant

India map

Brief of the scholarship

The award is for a period of 10 months @ Rs.3,000/- per month in a year and a travel grant of Rs.30,000/- to an M.Phil/Ph.D student for presenting paper in International Conference, Seminar, etc. in the area of Cancer Biology.

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

JNU Merit-cum-Means Scholarships

India map

Brief of the scholarship

A number of Merit-cum-Means scholarships are available for deserving and meritorious students whose parent's/guardian's income does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum or as may be laid down from time to time

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Ford Foundation Scholarships

India map

Brief of the scholarship

A limited number of Ford Foundation Scholarships of the value of Rs. 700/- per month are available for students of the M.A. Programme of the School of International Studies. The Scholarships will be awarded purely on merit subject to the proviso that at least half of them will go to female students.

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Scheme for granting subsidy to students from Border Areas under Border Areas Development Programme

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Scholarship/subsidy will be awarded to students whose villages included in the notified border areas villages given by Border Area Department. The subsidy/ scholarships will be awarded year-wise on the basis of promotion examinations.

Issuing Authority

Government of Meghalaya
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based,Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Scheme for granting subsidy to students from Border Areas under Border Areas Development Programme

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Scholarship/subsidy will be awarded to students whose villages included in the notified border areas villages given by Border Area Department. The subsidy/scholarships will be awarded year-wise on the basis of promotion examinations.

Issuing Authority

Government of Meghalaya
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based,Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Scheme for granting subsidy to students from Border Areas under Border Areas Development Programme

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Scholarship/subsidy will be awarded to students whose villages included in the notified border areas villages given by Border Area Department. The subsidy/ scholarships will be awarded year-wise on the basis of promotion examinations.

Issuing Authority

Government of Meghalaya
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based,Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Meghalaya Tribal Students’ Book Grant

India map

Brief of the scholarship

To give financial assistance to meritorious tribal students of Meghalaya for purchase of books required for their studies in courses other than technical and vocational courses in any recognized institution in India including Meghalaya.

Issuing Authority

Government of Meghalaya
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based,Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal