state-white Location (2) department Study Level (13)

Total Results (814)


Benjy Grinberg Scholarship

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"Benjy founded the Benjy Grinberg Scholarship with the hopes of helping those seeking higher education reach their educational and career goals. The $1,000 scholarship is designed to relieve some of the financial burden of continuing education. It will be awarded to a current college student or high school senior who has been accepted into a college or university."

Issuing Authority

Benjy Grinberg
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Timken Scholarship for B.Sc Nursing Students

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Student pursuing full time B.Sc Nursing Course from Institutes recognized by Govt. of India who scored a Minimum 50% in Class 10 and 12 will be provided with Rs.75,000 scholarship

Issuing Authority

Timken India
Type of Scholarship
Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

EIT Women in Engineering Scholarship

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"EIT Women in Engineering Scholarship is provided to International on-campus students who are women and will receive an amount of AUD$5,000 at the successful conclusion of each year of study. You will also receive a mentorship with one of the female engineers at EIT."

Issuing Authority

Engineering Institute of Technology
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Timken Scholarship for B.E./B.Tech Students

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Student pursuing full time B.E./B.Tech Course from Institutes recognized by Govt. of India who scored a Minimum 50% in Class 10, 12 and Diploma will be provided with Rs.75,000 scholarship

Issuing Authority

Timken India
Type of Scholarship
Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

EIT Women in Engineering Scholarship

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"EIT Women in Engineering Scholarship is provided to International on-campus students who are women and will receive an amount of AUD$5,000 at the successful conclusion of each year of study. You will also receive a mentorship with one of the female engineers at EIT."

Issuing Authority

Engineering Institute of Technology
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Timken Scholarship for Diploma Students

India map

Brief of the scholarship

Student pursuing full time Diploma Course from Institutes recognized by Govt. of India who scored a Minimum 50% in Class 10 will be provided with Rs.30,000 scholarship

Issuing Authority

Timken India
Type of Scholarship
Income Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

EIT International Science and Engineering Merit (ISEM) Scholarship

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"EIT International Science and Engineering Merit (ISEM) Scholarship is provided to All EIT higher education courses and will cover 35% reduction on overall course tuition fees."

Issuing Authority

"Engineering Institute of Technology"
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Ph.D Scholarships

India map

Brief of the scholarship

The scholarships are available for Ph.D. study in India for up to 2 years through maintenance allowance including Tuition fee and Contingent expenses

Issuing Authority

Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

EIT International Science and Engineering Merit (ISEM) Scholarship

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"EIT International Science and Engineering Merit (ISEM) Scholarship is provided to All EIT higher education courses and will cover 35% reduction on overall course tuition fees."

Issuing Authority

Engineering Institute of Technology
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

Reliance Foundation Scholarship

India map

Brief of the scholarship

"The Reliance Foundation Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Sciences aims to support the most exceptional undergraduate and postgraduate scholars studying an eligible course in artificial intelligence or computer sciences at an eligible institution through their studies"

Issuing Authority

Reliance Foundation
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal