state-white Location (2) department Study Level (13)

Total Results (814)


NHPC Scholarship

India map

Brief of the scholarship

"The scholarship will be awarded to needy, meritorious & talented students of Assam domicile especially in the vicinity of Subansiri Lower H.E. Project who are pursuing Masters course from IITs/NITs/IISc "

Issuing Authority

"The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited"
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based,Income Based

Application Link

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Dresden Leibniz Graduate School Doctoral Fellowships

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"The Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS) is a joint interdisciplinary facility of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), and the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). It hosts international doctoral candidates and invites applications from all disciplines selected in a competitive process, with an opportunity to be supported by a full-time scholarship for a period of three years."

Issuing Authority

Dresden Leibniz Graduate School
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

HBIGS PhD Fellowships

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"HBIGS offers up to 15 competitive MSc/PhD fellowships to Heidelberg Master students planning to pursue their PhD at Heidelberg University."

Issuing Authority

Heidelberg University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

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TCS Research Scholarship Program

India map

Brief of the scholarship

"Students who are registered for full time PhD in areas such as Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering, and Information Technology are eligible to apply, with a recommendation from their institute. Fresh PhD students as well as those with 1-year are also eligible to apply. The selected Research scholars will receive cash scholarship and contingency funds for four years, with a provision of extending the support for one more year. Further, they will also be awarded significant travel funds for international travel to attend and present their research work in international conferences and workshops."

Issuing Authority

Tata Consultancy Services
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

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HBIGS PhD Fellowships

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"HBIGS offers up to 15 competitive MSc/PhD fellowships to Heidelberg Master students planning to pursue their PhD at Heidelberg University."

Issuing Authority

Heidelberg University
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

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STFC scholarship

India map

Brief of the scholarship

"STFC Scholarship is given to students studying between standards 8 to 12 on the basis of merit"

Issuing Authority

"Shriram Transport Finance Corporation Ltd."
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

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Gerda Henkel Foundation PhD scholarships

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Brief of the scholarship

"As part of its Ph.D. programme, the Foundation seeks to promote highly-qualified new academic talent. Only those candidates are considered whose study achievements and exam performances show them to be especially gifted and whose Ph.D. theses can be expected to yield well above-average results."

Issuing Authority

Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

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Star Scholar program

India map

Brief of the scholarship

"The scholarship Program is applicable for students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya currently pursuing a full term BE/B. Tech/Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) course only in an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) or a National Institute of Technology (NIT) in India. Selected Applicants will be entitled to annual scholarship amount upto Indian Rupees Two Lakh (INR 2,00,000/-) only for expenses related to tuition fee including hostel and mess expenses"

Issuing Authority

"Samsung India Electronics Private Limited"
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

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Gerda Henkel Foundation General Research Scholarships

Abroad map

Brief of the scholarship

"Applications for research scholarships can be made directly by Postdocs or scholars with Post Doctoral Lecture Qualification. A research scholarship is usually applied for by one scholar who will work on a specific project on his own. An institutional affiliation is not necessary."

Issuing Authority

Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal

ICAI Doctoral Scholarship Scheme

India map

Brief of the scholarship

"Doctoral scholarship will be awarded to registered Ph.D. Scholars from UGC recognized reputed Indian Universities/ Deemed Universities/ Colleges, IIMs having University/IIMs approved Ph.D. Programme to pursue and complete their Doctoral Research in Auditing, Taxation, Commerce, Management and Accounting"

Issuing Authority

"Institute of Chartered Accountants of India"
Type of Scholarship
Academics Based

Application Link

Visit Portal