state-white Location (2) fellowship Category of Fellowship (17)

Total Results (201)


Girish Sant Memorial Fellowship

Prayas (Energy Group)

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Brief of the Fellowship

The objectives of the fellowship are to encourage Indian researchers in the early part of their careers to take up public interest oriented research in the Indian energysector, and to provide some financial and professional support for such research. Hence, we are looking for motivated researchers and activists / advocates who are committed to a career in public interest research in the energy sector, and who are keen to explore some research question in this space.

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Dvara Research Fellowship Program

Rajasthan Shram Sarathi Association and Dvara Research

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Brief of the Fellowship

The objective of this Fellowship is to create and disseminate knowledge, best practices and impact about financial inclusion of labour migrant households. The repository of work built through this Fellowship will also assist in building a policy agenda that could create a financially inclusive ecosystem for labour migrant households in India.

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Disom - The leadership School

Initiatives of Change

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Brief of the Fellowship

Each fellow articulates a Dream Mission, which is their primary manifesto — a critical problem or gap they will take on in their constituencies — as they build a movement and a mobilisation around it from the ground up. The approach to the mission is to be a channel for change rather than owner of a goal. During the programme, they would focus on conceptualising the mission, designing it and preparing the ecosystem for the launch. When they return to their ‘karmabhoomis’ or constituencies, they would actualise this dream. This will prepare them for the next level of political leadership.

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Development Alternative's Fellowship

Development Alternatives

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Brief of the Fellowship

The fellowship programme at Development Alternatives has been designed to hone up the skills of young persons and give shape to their ideas about the social sector, before they launch themselves on a well-defined career choice

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Development Alternative's Fellowship

Development Alternatives

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Brief of the Fellowship

The fellowship programme at Development Alternatives has been designed to hone up the skills of young persons and give shape to their ideas about the social sector, before they launch themselves on a well-defined career choice

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Development Alternative's Fellowship

Development Alternatives

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Brief of the Fellowship

The fellowship programme at Development Alternatives has been designed to hone up the skills of young persons and give shape to their ideas about the social sector, before they launch themselves on a well-defined career choice

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CSIR Nehru Science Post Doctoral Research Fellowship

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

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Brief of the Fellowship

CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral research Fellowship Scheme has been instituted to identify promising young researchers with innovative ideas and provide them with training and research opportunities in niche areas of basic science, engineering, medicine and agriculture. The scheme aims at facilitating their transition from mentored to independent research career

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Fellowship for Climate Action

Anant National University, Ahmedabad

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Brief of the Fellowship

The Anant Fellowship for Climate Action is a unique one-year immersive global programme for climate change solutionaries. Based on a mentor-mentee framework, it aims at creating a community of climate change trailblazers who collaborate and cross-pollinate each other’s work with ideas and expertise from across sectors, regions and generations.

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Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships

United States - India Educational Foundation

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Brief of the Fellowship

The Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships aim to provide Indian faculty, researchers, and professionals the opportunity to teach, conduct research, or carry out a combination of teaching and research at a U.S. institution. Depending on the U.S. host institution, it is likely that the grantee may contribute towards developing curriculum and conducting workshops and seminars. These fellowships are for four to nine months.

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Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

United States - India Educational Foundation

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Brief of the Fellowship

These fellowships are designed for Indian faculty and researchers who are in the early stages of their research careers in India. The Postdoctoral Research Fellowships will provide opportunities to talented faculty and researchers to strengthen their research capacities. Postdoctoral fellows will have access to some of the finest resources in their areas of interest and will help build long-term collaborative relationships with U.S. faculty and institutions. These fellowships are for eight to 24 months.

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