state-white Location (2) fellowship Category of Fellowship (17)

Total Results (201)


Indian Administrative Fellowship

Government of Karnataka

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Brief of the Fellowship

Indian Administrative Fellowship (IAF) is an 18-month program for high achievers from diverse sectors to impact millions of lives by extending the reach and efficiency of large scale government programs under the guidance of visionary civil servants.
The program targets to provide a platform for professionals to partner with the administration for extensively strategizing and implementing current and envisaged programs for attaining sustained progress across state-level indicators

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India Smart Cities Fellowship

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

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Brief of the Fellowship

Fellows are introduced to the programme via a two-week induction programme, wherein the fellows are oriented to the Smart Cities Mission philosophy, its strategy, and its focus areas. The programme provides the incoming Fellows with an
understanding of the urban development sphere, enabling the Fellows to take on the assigned tasks with confidence and enthusiasm. Relentless problem solving, perseverance, dedication, hard work, and creativity would be the key traits needed for Fellows to succeed

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India for Mental Health Fellowship

The Health Collective and India Spend.

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Brief of the Fellowship

Four reporting fellows will cover Mental Health and Mental Illness from an India lens. The fellowship will cover travel and research costs. The first edition of the fellowship aims to cover four regions of India, to encourage original reportage that
highlights gaps in coverage or policy, with a focus on marginalised communities, while centering the narrative around persons with lived experience, and adhering to the highest ethical standards.

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India Fellow Program

India Fellow

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Brief of the Fellowship

India Fellow Social Leadership program helps young people become socially conscious leaders of tomorrow and in the process helps them discover what they are truly meant to accomplish in life. In the 18 months that follow, the
India Fellows spend 17 months working full time on demanding host assignments in challenging setups, recording observations and reflections, complete training assignments and at the same time engage deeply with their cohort and mentors.

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Impulse Model Press Lab Fellowship

Impulse NGO Network

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Brief of the Fellowship

Impulse NGO Network will award fellowships to journalists from each country, who will be trained in digital reporting, with a specific focus on cross-border human trafficking. Fellows will participate in a two-day orientation and training workshop led by experienced journalists and technical experts from each of the four countries, to build awareness and sensitisation to the issues of human trafficking and challenges of conducting in-depth, ethical and impactful reports.

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Ideosync-UNESCO Information Fellowship

Ideosync Media Combine and UNESCO

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Brief of the Fellowship

The Ideosync-UNESCO Information Fellowship (IUIF) is the first South Asian Fellowship for young people on social and behaviour change communication. The C4SC and Media Rights Fellowship program is designed to take young Indians through an intense leadership journey that sets them on a path to understand communication and media from the perspective of human rights and intersectional feminism. They will learn to leverage the power of communication to discover new pathways for information creation, access & sharing; while questioning hegemonic technologies and power relations. The Fellows are mentored to become socially conscious leaders and are equipped with skills that help them amplify the voices and stories of the marginalized thereby catalyzingpositive social transformation.

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ICTS - S. N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

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Brief of the Fellowship

This program offers an opportunity to undergraduate/masters students of Science and Engineering to work with faculty and post-doctoral fellows of the Centre and to participate in research at the frontiers of knowledge. Students from previous years have contributed productively to research at ICTS, and many have continued research careers at universities around the world

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ICTS - S. N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

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Brief of the Fellowship

This program offers an opportunity to undergraduate/masters students of Science and Engineering to work with faculty and post-doctoral fellows of the Centre and to participate in research at the frontiers of knowledge. Students from previous
years have contributed productively to research at ICTS, and many have continued research careers at universities around the world

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iCFDR Fellowship

Indian Centre for Development and Rights

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Brief of the Fellowship

The iCFDR Fellowship is a twelve months program based in Delhi, India. The social work fellowship at Indian Centre for Development and Rights targets to improve the life of children living in slums and also at the same time transforms
the selected young individuals as fellows into excellent leaders with futuristic and holistic skills. The iCFDR Fellowship aims at relieving the complex challenges and sufferings of the underprivileged students at our Easy Classes by tutoring, guiding and using education as a tool to create better prospects and a brighter future for them.

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Hurford Youth Fellowship

National Endowment for Democracy

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Brief of the Fellowship

The Hurford Youth Fellowship Program seeks to build the leadership skills and harness the potential of young democracy activists from around the world. Through the Program, young activists spend three months at the World Movement’s Secretariat, during which they expand their global connections, share experiences with other activists from democracy movements around the world, and contribute to the development of the World Movement for Democracy. Hurford Youth Fellows engage in strategic meetings; conduct research; and organize and lead presentations, online discussions, and information-sharing sessions on key democracy issues.

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