Bamboo Nursery
Bamboo is a strong, fibrous plant with a variety of uses, it grows quickly and is relatively easy to propagate. There are three main methods of bamboo propagation. The most difficult method of bamboo propagation is growing it from seed. Most species of bamboo tend to flower and produce seeds only at the end of their lifetimes, if at all, and some species of bamboo can live up to 120 years. Flowering is unpredictable and inconsistent, which makes it challenging to collect seeds. Bamboo seeds have a short life, and must be kept under carefully controlled conditions to keep them viable. Bamboo fulfils twin concerns of livelihood enhancement and environmental protection in Rural areas and it is the most frequently utilized material from Handicraft, food & housing components. To Provides material benefits and livelihood there is an opportunity to commercially cultivate bamboo in larger scale, for this purpose a large quantity of Bamboo Saplings is required. So, nursery is a place where Bamboo plants are propagated and grown to a desired age in a controlled environment and care. Supply of good quality planting material/Bamboo Saplings also can fetch a premium price.