2 Star Hotel
The history of the hotel industry is as old as the history of tourism and travel industry. In fact, both are two sides of the same coin. Both are complementary to each other. Hotel is an establishment which provides food, shelter and other amenities for comfort and convenience of the visitors with a view to make profit. The hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key industries driving growth of the services sector in India. The growth of the hospitality industry has always been linked to the prospects of the tourism industry and tourism is the foremost demand driver of the industry. The Indian hospitality industry has recorded healthy growth fuelled by robust inflow of foreign tourists as well as increased tourist flow within the country and it has emerged as one of the leading players in the global industry. Indian hotel industry scenario has been dominated by premium luxury hotel segment for a long time. There was a vacuum in terms of mid-scale hotels till recently. However, a clear segmentation of sorts has come into play in the last few years with the coming of mid-scale budget brand, both international and domestic. However, there are plenty of opportunities and scope for investments in this segment in Tier II and III cities and along destinations of pilgrim importance. This project profile is for setting up of a 2 Star Hotel unit, based on 360 working days per annum.